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Moving text

To move a block of text from one location to another you can use the delete and put commands. You must be in command mode to achieve this. Suppose you have the following text that you wish to put in the correct order and correct the spelling mistake also. You can do the following:

This is the first line of text.
This is the third line of text.
This is the fourth line of text.
This is the second line of tetx.

  1. Place the cursor anywhere on the line "This is the second line of tetx.". Type dd to delete the entire line.
  2. Move the cursor up and position it anywhere on the first line. Type p to put the deleted text after line one. The text should look as follows.
    This is the first line of text.
    This is the second line of tetx.
    This is the third line of text.
    This is the fourth line of text.
    To correct the transposition error (tetx) in the second line, move the cursor under the 't' in 'tx' and type xp. Typing x deletes the 't'; typing p puts the 't' after the cursor.
p (lowercase p)
Put deleted text below the cursor
P (uppercase p)
Put deleted text above the cursor
Transpose two characters (put deleted character after cursor)

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