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Diagnosing user problems

Server Admin Tasks


In this tutorial you will be asked to perform simple user administration and user problem diagnostics. In this tutorial you will encounter a number of Linux commands that you may not have seen before, use the man command on your system to find out more about any Linux command that you are unsure of.

Each questions has 3 buttons. The first button sets up the scenario, the second button tests to see if you have fixed the problem, while the last button removes the scenario from your machine ready for the next scenario.

To reset all the check buttons from a previous attempt click here

Question 1: Split into 2 user groups

Click the button below to set up the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Set up the scenario UNTESTED

Two users, bob and jim, currently share the same group id. User jim is being moved to another project, and he needs to be given his own group id.

Modify the user account information so that jim keeps his current user id but moves to a new group called "hoho". You have to create that new group. Make sure his home directory and all files are changed too.

This button checks to see if you have completed the task.

Tests - not attempted
bob is untouched UNTESTED
group hoho exists UNTESTED
jim gid moved to 'hoho' UNTESTED
bobs files are all his UNTESTED
jims files are all his new group UNTESTED

Once you have completed the task, click on this button to remove the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Remove the scenario UNTESTED

Question 2: User bill cannot log in

This button below sets up the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Set up the scenario UNTESTED

User "bill" reports that when he tries to log in, the system immediately kicks him out. He tells you that his password is "bill" (i.e. the same as his username). He accidentally left himself logged in during a lab and maybe someone did something to his account?

HINT: As this is affecting only bill, check his shell (such as .bashrc or .bash_profile) files first. You can test the fault by trying to login as bill using ssh.

This button checks to see if you have completed the task.

Tests - not attempted
bill can log in UNTESTED

Once you have completed the task, click on this button to remove the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Remove the scenario UNTESTED

Question 3: User ben cannot save his work

Press the button below to set up the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Set up the scenario UNTESTED

User "ben" reports that after he logs in, he is unable to create any files or directories in his home directory. He tells you that his password is "ben" (i.e. the same as his username). You will need to be familiar with the chmod command used to change file permissions. Try looking at http://www.dsl.org/cookbook/cookbook_toc.html for more info.

This button checks to see if you have completed the task.

Tests - not attempted
ben can write files UNTESTED

Once you have completed the task, click on this button to remove the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Remove the scenario UNTESTED

Question 4: User amy cannot run ls

The button below sets up the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Set up the scenario UNTESTED

User "amy" reports that after she logs in, the "ls" command appears to do nothing. Her password is "amy". Restore the ls command behaviour to normal.

HINT: Aliases can be used to change command behaviours.

This button checks to see if you have completed the task.

Tests - not attempted
Amy can get ls working UNTESTED

Once you have completed the task, click on this button to remove the scenario.

Tests - not attempted
Remove the scenario UNTESTED

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