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Forged Emails


In this short tutorial we will forge some emails and analyse them

To reset all the check buttons from a previous attempt click here

Question 1: Email Server Running

Before you start you must be running a mail server. In Kali, the server to use is exim4. Start this service by typing

sudo systemctl start exim4

Tests - not attempted
Service running UNTESTED

Question 2: Local delivery

You are sending emails to ourselves. Find out what you hostname is by running "hostname".

What is your hostname?

Tests - not attempted
Hostname is right UNTESTED

Question 3: netcat line

We are going to forge an email to ourselves.

Using the normal IP number of localhost, what would be the netcat command needed to netcat to the SMTP port of localhost? This is case-sensitive and space-sensitive. Use only numerical IP and port, and start the answer "netcat".
Netcat command:

Tests - not attempted
Netcat Command UNTESTED

Question 4: Use the netcat command

Use this netcat command (and use QUIT in the netcat session) to test the connection. The MTA (Mail Transport Agent) server should identify itself with a string "ESMTP MTANAME Version". What is the version of the MTA?
MTA version:

Tests - not attempted

Question 5: Envelope Information

We want to forge an email and make it appear that: (1) The sending server is "juggling.com", (2) the email is coming from "dave@rocketman.com", and (3) the email is going to "kali@YOURHOST" (where YOURHOST is the hostname you have already discovered for your own virtual machine).

So what are those fields in this case?
Type first? (hint - the helo):
Type second? (hint - from who):
Type third? (hint - to who):

Remember to include the entire line you would type in SMTP. Case and space sensitive, so always use lowercase in answering.

Tests - not attempted

Question 6: Forge an email

Use the above information to send an email. Open the connection with netcat as above, use all the header data as the previous question, then in the data body section send the following:

From: me@thegovernment.com
To: you@thepeople.com
Date: today
Subject: stupid

Please send me your bank details.

After the body remember to end the block with ".", then end the session with "quit".

To read the mail for "mail", do:

To delete mail, do "d 1" where "1" is the number of the mail to delete. Do "1" to read email number 1. Do "h" to see the emails which can be written. Press "q" to actually delete email "It does not get deleted till you q out of mail".

Note: make sure that their is only 1 email in the mailbox and that the one which is there is the one you are forging. Remember to "q" out of mail.

Note if you read the email with "mail" then quit, it moves it to /home/kali/inbox. If it does and then you want to look there, then do "mail -f /home/kali/mbox". The buttons look in both places.

Tests - not attempted
Email envelope detected in log UNTESTED
Email path includes juggling.com UNTESTED

Question 7: Hidden Path

Run the command:

grep -A 5 "Received:" /var/spool/mail/kali
This gives the line with the "Received:" on it, as well as the next 2 lines. This shows the mail path. Here it is clear that "juggling.com" would have an IP number, but the IP number in the path (on line 1 in the square brackets) is the IP of localhost (in ipv6 addressing) and not of juggling.com. Thus it is forged. In linux the dig command will give you the IP.

Validate this by entering the IP number of juggling.com
IP of juggling.com?

Tests - not attempted
IP of juggling.com UNTESTED

Question 8: Better Forgery

Repeat the forged email exercise, but this time include one fake hop at the head of the data section. Use the grep information to make the hop identical to the one created when you sent the first email, except this time replace the sending IP with the juggling.com IP and replace the hostname "localhost" with "juggling.com".

The check buttons look for the newest email in the inbox, and if that is empty the newest one in mbox

So if you assume the header was:

Received: from localhost ([::1] helo=juggling.com)
        by host-19-17.linuxzoo.net with smtp (Exim 4.80)
        (envelope-from <dave@rocketman.com>)
        id 1WIgrz-00021U-Ge
        for root@host-19-17.linuxzoo.net; Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:58:09 +0000
Then use this whole entry, but replace [::1] with [fakeIP] (i.e. the ip of the real juggling.com) and "localhost" with "juggling.com".

Tests - not attempted
Email envelope detected in log UNTESTED
Email path includes juggling.com UNTESTED
2 Received hops in email UNTESTED
Fake hop looks good UNTESTED

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