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Basic paths



Basic Paths

This tutorial covers the basics of relative and absolute paths. Use the Caine virtual machine.

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Question 1: Relative and Absolute

Demonstrate your understanding of relative, absolute, and the use of ".." and "/" and "." in the "cd" command by answering these questions. Try to answer them in your own head, and use the command line only if you are confused. Remember paths beginning with "/" are relative to the top level directory, whereas others are relative to the current directory. ".." takes you up a directory, and things can be seperated with "/" such as "../.." taking you up 2 directories. "." indicates the current directory, and is really only useful where you really need to specify a parameter but you mean to say the current directory. Always supply the SHORTEST solution, remember the answers are CASE SENSITIVE, and if you type spaces in an answerbox where no space should be entered then it will be marked incorrectly.

Consider these commands:

cd /usr/share/doc
cd ..
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd /usr/share
cd vim
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd /usr
cd lib
cd xorg
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd ../.. 
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd ../caine
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd /usr/share
cd vim/../../lib/xorg
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd /usr/share
cd /etc/vim
cd ..
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands:

cd ../../usr/share/doc
What is the current directory:

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands and fill in the blank:

cd ../
Where the "pwd" command prints "/usr/local/lib".
Note this is an example of a RELATIVE pathname parameter to cd, as the parameter does not start with a "/".

Tests - not attempted
Correct blank UNTESTED

Consider these commands and fill in the blank:

cd /usr/share/doc
cd /
cd caine
Where the "pwd" command prints "/home/caine"
Note this is an example of an ABSOLUTE pathname parameter to cd, as the parameter starts with a "/".

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands and fill in the correct blank using a RELATIVE pathname. It should be the SHORTEST possible solution.

cd /usr/share/python
Where the "pwd" command prints "/usr/share/perl5/Encode".

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands and fill in the correct blank using a RELATIVE pathname. It should be the SHORTEST possible solution.

cd /usr/share/perl
Where the "pwd" command prints "/etc"

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

Consider these commands and fill in the correct blank using a RELATIVE pathname. It should be the SHORTEST possible solution.

cd /etc
Where the "pwd" command prints "/etc"

Tests - not attempted
Correct cwd UNTESTED

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@ Copyright 2004-2024 Edinburgh Napier University