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GREP and Regular Expressions



In this session you will be covering the basics file content searching and regular expressions.

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Question 1: GREP and regexp

Using a combination of grep, regular expressions, and wc via a pipe count how many words in the /usr/share/dict/words dictionary starts with "anti" and ends with an "n".
Number of words:

Tests - not attempted
Word count UNTESTED

Using grep and regular expressions, create a file /home/caine/aword which contains all the words which start with "tele" from /usr/share/dict/words, and which are exactly 7 characters long.

Tests - not attempted
/home/caine/aword exists UNTESTED
Words correct UNTESTED

How many words have the string "ra" in them twice in /usr/share/dict/words?
Number of words:

Tests - not attempted
Word count UNTESTED

How many words are in /usr/share/dict/words which contains "ice" then an "s" or a "d" (i.e. ices or iced). Use square brackets to form a set in your regular expression.
Number of words:

Tests - not attempted
Word count UNTESTED

Use grep on words to find a word that contains each of the vowels in alphabetical (i.e first an A, then an E, etc) order in /usr/share/dict/words. How many such words are there? (you may include words with extra vowels such as adventitious. A vowel is one of A,E,I,O,U.
Number of words:

Tests - not attempted
all vowels in order UNTESTED

The word interlinking includes the same two characters (e.g. "in") which appear three times. The word "priestessess" also contains the same two characters repeated three time (e.g. "es").

How many words can you find which contain any two characters repeated three times, like the examples "interlinking" and "priestessess". Use /usr/share/dict/words as your list of possible words and grep to find the answer.
Number of words:

Note. Do a case sensitive match, so do not use "-i". Only look for lower case letter combinations.

Tests - not attempted
Two character string appears 3 times (takes a few seconds) UNTESTED

Challenge Question: This is a tricky question. Just give it 10 minutes before moving onto the next question!

How many words are 5 character palindromes? A palindrome is a word spelled the same way forward and backwards, such as "sagas". Use /usr/share/dict/words. Characters may be any ASCII character. Hint: Use multiple groups and backreferences.
Number of words:

Tests - not attempted
Number of 5 character palindromes UNTESTED

These questions use icat, which gives the contents of a file in a raw disk image from the inode number. Here it extracts a file to stdout which contains an ASCII weblog file from an image. This file is an Apache web-server log. Have a look at the file using head before trying the questions.

icat -o 300255 /images/DoublePartitionRegLinux.dd 94 | head -10

Now, using the command below piped with grep ('|') answer the following questions:

icat -o 300255 /images/DoublePartitionRegLinux.dd 94 | grep ...

How many POST request are made to the server?

What page was requested at 13:58?

How many requests have the letters 'rbs' in the requested page?

CHALLENGE - Write a regex that will extact ANY ip address (you can google the answer if you are struggling!). Count how many VALID Ip addresses there are... A valid IP in this case is one where the 4 octets are between 0 and 255

Tests - not attempted
Question 1 UNTESTED
Question 3 UNTESTED
Question 4 UNTESTED

Use the following commands to analyse a file used by the suspect to store credit card details:

icat -o 300255 /images/DoublePartitionRegLinux.dd 113 | grep ... 

Post the entire card number where the card ends in the numbers '8162':

Post the entire card number where the middle number of the CVV is 4 (Consider 'w' option ... CVV Format: 111):

Tests - not attempted
Question 1 UNTESTED
Question 2 UNTESTED

Use the following command to analyse the list of target countries the suspect has on their machine

icat -o 300255 /images/DoublePartitionRegLinux.dd 114 | grep ... 

In all question be case-insensitive in your searching.

How many countries have the word united in them?

How many countries END with 'ia'?

How many countries are five characters long?

Tests - not attempted
Question 1 UNTESTED
Question 2 UNTESTED
Question 3 UNTESTED

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