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Tutorial 4




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Question 1: Update demo account

If you have just completed all the previous tutorials you need not use this setup button. However, if you have skipped part or all of the previous tutorial questions, or when you ran your virtual machine the demo account was missing, then the button below will create the demo account and create the files which the previous tutorials would have had you create.

By pressing the button below a new account is created called "demo", password is also "demo". Log in using this account and you cannot do any damage. If you mess the account up and want to start again, just press the button again.

Once created, you can log into this account using telnet or ssh, logging into the hostname linuxzoo.net. Remember the username is demo and the password is demo. And remember, you cannot break anything using this account! The account begins with an empty directory, so dont be shocked that "ls" shows nothing...

Tests - not attempted
Update an account called demo, password demo UNTESTED

Question 2: Octal Code

What is the octal value for the permissions on /home/demo/bigfile?

Enter the octal value:

Tests - not attempted
Octal value of /home/demo/bigfile UNTESTED

Question 3: Other Permissions

What is the "other" permissions on /home/demo/bigfile?

Tests - not attempted
Octal value of /home/demo/bigfile UNTESTED

Question 4: Remove read and execute

Take away from the scripts directory read and execute (search) permission for yourself ONLY.

Tests - not attempted
scripts has no self read/execute UNTESTED

Question 5: Impact of no rx

What did removing read and execute do to you ability to look into scripts?

Tests - not attempted
Effect of no read or execute UNTESTED

Question 6: Add read

Add in read access for yourself on the scripts directory.

Tests - not attempted
scripts has no self read/execute UNTESTED

Question 7: Impact of no x

What did restoring read access do to you ability to look into scripts?

Tests - not attempted
Effect of no read UNTESTED

Question 8: Add execute

Restore the directory scripts to read,write,execute for the owner, and read and execute for both others and group.

Tests - not attempted
restore scripts UNTESTED

Question 9: umask

What umask setting would be required to give, when creating a directory, read/write/execute for yourself, read and execute for group, but only execute for others?

Octal value:

Tests - not attempted
Octal value needed UNTESTED

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