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Changing Directories

Using the cd (change directory) command, you can change your current working directory to any other directory to which you have access. For example:
% cd projects
will move you into the directory projects, and to verify this use the pwd command.
% pwd

To move into the directory stuff under projects, type:

% cd stuff
% pwd

Remembering that '..' is the relative path name for the parent directory of your current working directory, then to move up one level back to projects type:

% cd ..
% pwd
And if you run the cd command without a path name, it always returns you to your home directory.
% cd
% pwd
Also you can get to any directory by using its absolute path name. For example, to change to the projects directory you could enter:
% cd /home/john/projects

Finally, the figure below illustrates how various cd commands change your current working directory. The example assumes that you are currently located in the directory /home/john/projects, and that your home directory is /home/john.

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