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Week 1C - Initial Penetration Testing

Initial Pen Testing


A gentle introduction to some elemental command used when performing penetration testing.

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Question 1: Using Locate

"locate" searches through the filesystem looking for things which match the command line. It does this very quickly using a file database. The command "updatedb" refreshes the database.

Use the locate command to find the full path name of the nmap file with "stun-version" in its title.
file location:

Tests - not attempted
Location search UNTESTED

Locate finds all locations which contains information related to the search parameter. Try

locate zenmap

Pipe the output through grep and locate the part of nmap which involves copyright. Use locate with zenmap and then pipe this into a grep for copyright.
file location:

Tests - not attempted
Copyright location UNTESTED

Use locate and grep to find the full pathname where the nmap executable lives. This will be a directory with "bin/" somewhere in its name.
file location:

Tests - not attempted
nmap binary location UNTESTED

Use locate and grep to find the full pathname where the locate database lives. Hint: database files usually end with ".db".
file location:

Tests - not attempted
locate db location UNTESTED

Question 2: Network commands

Make sure you are logged into your virtual machine using at least 1 telnet or ssh session.

The ss command can be used to check network sessions running. Use the ss command and identify the remote endpoint ip number used when you ssh or telnet to a virtual machine.
Proxy IP:

Tests - not attempted
Proxy ssh/telnet IP UNTESTED

The ss command with "-a" shows all current network connections. Services which are using ports will be in the LISTEN state.

How many ports are being used by services?
Service ports used:

Tests - not attempted
Ports used UNTESTED

Use the service command to start the apache2 service.

Tests - not attempted
Start apache2 UNTESTED

Use the ss command, find out which port number apache2 is running on.

Hint. Use the man page of ss to help. Look for how to see the port numbers numerically, as well as to see what processes are using which entry in ss.
Service port:

Tests - not attempted
Port of apache2 UNTESTED
apache2 still running UNTESTED

Use iceweasel, browse to, and fill in the blank below.

Iceweasel can be found in the application menu, Internet>Iceweasel.

Fill in the blank:
The webserver software is running but no has been added

Tests - not attempted
Start apache2 UNTESTED
apache2 seems to respond UNTESTED
blank correct UNTESTED

Use nano and edit the default webpage.

Use locate to find "index.html", and then pipe and greps to locate an instance with "www" and "var" in their names.

In the appropriate index.html, change "It works!" to "It does not work!". Remember to save!

Tests - not attempted
apache2 seems to respond UNTESTED
file edited UNTESTED
running apache2 UNTESTED

Use the service command to stop the apache2 service.

Tests - not attempted
Stop apache2 UNTESTED

Question 3: Networking

Use the ifconfig command. What is the interface which is connected to the local network? This will be the interface with relates to the 10.x.x.x network.

Tests - not attempted
Main network device UNTESTED

Again using ifconfig, what is the IP number of this machine in terms of the device identified above.

Tests - not attempted

Question 4: Netcat

Netcat is a command for basic client/server command line configuration.

Use netcat to make a web request to linuxzoo.net on the http port. Basic netcat configuration puts the server name in parameter 1 and the port number in paramater 2. Once connected, type "GET /index.html" then type CTRL-V CTRL-M then the return key. Note when connected you dont get any message, just a blank line... HTTP requests need to end with carriage return then a line feed, thus the need for CTRL-V CTRL-M.

Look through the resulting web document. What is on the last line?
Last line:

Tests - not attempted
Network working UNTESTED

Use netcat for a chat client. Make sure you either have two terminal sessions or two command windows in your virtual machine.

In command window 1, do

netcat -l -p 666
In command window 2, connect to this localhost service with netcat on port 666, and type some messages.

Now have a third command window. Use the ss command and find the established entry for this chat session. What is the local endpoint port number used at the client end of this network connection?
Client port number:

Once passed press CTRL-C in the chat session to quit.

Tests - not attempted
Client port number UNTESTED


-e 'cat /etc/passwd'
at the end of the nc (which is an alias to netcat) command and run a listening server on port 777. Try connecting to this, but note that each time you do the end of the connection (when ended with CTRL-C) closes the server too.

Introduce the flag "--continuous" and restart the nc listener. Now when you end the client with CTRL-C, you can connect again without problems.

When finished, terminate the listener with a CTRL-C in that window. NOTE: Sometime in vnc mode pressing CTRL-C results in autorepeat. If it looks like a key is held down, just press any other key to fix this. This is a bug in the java vnc client.

Tests - not attempted
Listener gives /etc/passwd UNTESTED
Listiner gives /etc/passwd (repeated for continuous) UNTESTED

Use your new knowledge to create a backdoor on port 789. This should be a listening port in continuous mode which runs /bin/bash when someone connects. Run this and connect to it, and try "ls"...

When finished, terminate the listener with a CTRL-C in that window.

Tests - not attempted
Listener gives a shell UNTESTED
Listener gives a shell and continuous UNTESTED

Use your new knowledge to create a server on port 790. This should be a listening port in continuous mode which runs something which tell you how many files and directories (not including hidden files) can be found in /root. When you are counting you should ignore hidden files.

When finished, terminate the listener with a CTRL-C in that window.

Tests - not attempted
Listener gives a count UNTESTED
Listener gives a count and continuous UNTESTED
Count seems right test1 UNTESTED
Count seems right test2 UNTESTED

Centos 7 intro: Paths | BasicShell | Search
Linux tutorials: intro1 intro2 wildcard permission pipe vi essential admin net SELinux1 SELinux2 fwall DNS diag Apache1 Apache2 log Mail
Caine 10.0: Essentials | Basic | Search | Acquisition | SysIntro | grep | MBR | GPT | FAT | NTFS | FRMeta | FRTools | Browser | Mock Exam |
Caine 13.0: Essentials | Basic | Search | Acquisition | SysIntro | grep | MBR | GPT | FAT | NTFS | FRMeta | FRTools | Browser | Registry | Mock Exam |
CPD: Cygwin | Paths | Files and head/tail | Find and regex | Sort | Log Analysis
Kali: 1a | 1b | 1c | 2 | 3 | 4a | 4b | 5 | 6 | 7a | 8a | 8b | 9 | 10 |
Kali 2020-4: 1a | 1b | 1c | 2 | 3 | 4a | 4b | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8a | 8b | 9 | 10 |
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Linuxzoo created by Gordon Russell.
@ Copyright 2004-2024 Edinburgh Napier University