If you can see this check that

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Consider the following:
 > ls -l /etc/passwd
 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1996 Nov  5 13:10 /etc/passwd
Select the true statement.
A.The file was created on the 5th Nov 1996.
B.The file was last modified on the 5th Nov 1996.
C.The file has been backed up 1 time.
D.The file has been written to 1 time.
E.None of the above
Incorrect Answer The 1996 is NOT the year. Year appears after the Month, but only if the year is different from the current year.
Incorrect Answer The 1996 is NOT the year. Year appears after the Month, but only if the year is different from the current year.
Incorrect Answer The 1 in the output means 1 hard link.
Incorrect Answer none
Correct Answer The 1996 is NOT the year. Year appears after the Month, but only if the year is different from the current year. So the 1996 is the file size.