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Consider the result of:
 > ls -l /home/gordon
 drwxr-xr-x   25 gordon   gordon       4096 Dec  3 12:45 /home/gordon
A.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a directory
B.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a file which everyone can write to.
C.This output is not possible with the command shown.
D.The output is correct, and shows a directory that has been accessed 25 times.
E.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a file which everyone can read from.
Incorrect Answer This command, when using the shown options, and when the parameter is a directory, does not show the directory data but the contents of that directory.
Incorrect Answer /home/gordon is a directory, as can be seen by the first character returned, a "d".
Correct Answer If you ls a directory, then unless you use the "-d" option of ls it will show the contents of the directory. It does not show the information on the directory itself without this option.
Incorrect Answer There is no count of how many times a directory has been accessed!
Incorrect Answer /home/gordon is a directory, as can be seen by the first character returned, a "d".