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Consider the result of:
 > ls -l /home/gordon
 drwxr-xr-x   25 gordon   gordon       4096 Dec  3 12:45 /home/gordon
A.This output is not possible with the command shown.
B.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a file which everyone can read from.
C.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a directory
D.The output is correct, and shows a directory that has been accessed 25 times.
E.The output is correct, and shows /home/gordon is a file which everyone can write to.
Correct Answer If you ls a directory, then unless you use the "-d" option of ls it will show the contents of the directory. It does not show the information on the directory itself without this option.
Incorrect Answer /home/gordon is a directory, as can be seen by the first character returned, a "d".
Incorrect Answer This command, when using the shown options, and when the parameter is a directory, does not show the directory data but the contents of that directory.
Incorrect Answer There is no count of how many times a directory has been accessed!
Incorrect Answer /home/gordon is a directory, as can be seen by the first character returned, a "d".